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Two things a young kindergartner learned at James Madison elementary school in San Gabriel, California. One was how to drop and duke under our desks when the communists dropped the bomb (atomic of course) and two, was the Pledge of Allegiance
While processing one of my many Hymnals for sale on the web I found a twofer. Church School Hymnal for Youth, published by Pilgrim Press, 1940 was offered in the bases at over $15 on average. Great, I would sell at $5. Then I opened the cover page and had to stand at attention. There was a paste in Pledge of Allegiance.
No, wait it was a “Pledge to the Stars and Stripes”, same thought, different words. Read More

PVT Dexter Stillman, 23 Mar 1803, 43 years, unknown, unknow, Company B and Brown Sick Detachment
My impatience with “official comprehensive rosters” always gets me into trouble. As the chief Mormon baiter on campus at San Gabriel High in 1967, I constantly searched for ways to argue with Los Flores ward members as I was from Temple City and RLDS. So while recently researching RLDS Mormon Battalion members I found Private Dexter Stillman with two “unknowns” I decided to double down on the family from Mills County, Iowa, who had to be from my church. Opps, Dexter was not a member, but was a Cutlerite.[1]
While the bulk of LDS folk went west to Utah, Dexter and family went south to the new Mills County, Iowa. Here high priest Dexter supported elder Alpheus Cutler in the opposition to leaders like Orson Hyde and polygamy practices at Winter Quarters. Click Here To Read Full Article